Refer a colleague, and earn 3 hours of
free calls*

*Free calls are for those who sign up with a Momentum campaign or higher, and are added as additional hours to the campaign.

WeCall Campaigns™

Choose a campaign that fits in with your business.

Please note that our services are currently tailored towards the Real Estate industry. But due to ongoing demand we are in a pilot program to launch our services to Finance, Insurance & Retail industries in December 2020.

Appraisal Generating


WeCall’s most popular campaign, and one that is highly recommended to build your pipeline quickly. This is the campaign every agent must have in their prospecting kit. If you don’t have time to call your database, then let us get to the chase!

We'll quickly identify your hot leads, and create a 12 month pipeline for you, whilst warming and cleaning your database on the way through. Guaranteed to get you in more front doors so you can do what you do best: list & sell!

Nurturing Campaign


Built up a pipeline, but haven’t called it in a while? Our pipeline campaign has our most experienced WeCallers nurturing your most important clients. We achieve the best results through tailored scripts that work with the nuances and versatility of such a specialised campaign.

So not only will we have taken care of your prospective vendors, but you will have a clearer idea on where your next sales are coming from, and who must be called next.

Call backs/OFI Campaign


Don’t have enough time for buyer management? WeCall offers quick solutions for calling through your buyers, straight after your Saturday open homes.

After becoming acquainted with your property, we will qualify your buyers, identifying them as warm or hot prospects, but just as important, we'll identify those buyers who are also looking to sell, helping you create a listing cycle all year round!

Data Purchasing & Cleaning


Don’t have a sizeable database? WeCall also offers high quality data sourcing options for most suburbs in Australia.

We don't use RP Data or Pricefinder to source data, so you know that the data you receive is unique, mobile rich, and ready to call.

Property Management


Accelerate the growth of your rent roll, and let us help your BDM by supplying them leads.

Don't have a BDM? Then let WeCall be your source of new business for your property management portfolio - at a fraction of the cost.

Insurance, Retail & Finance Campaigns**


Is your sales team struggling to pick up the phone. That's what WeCall do best. We'll call your existing client database to generate new business. We'll also follow up your leads from campaigns and shows to create solid opportunities for your sales team.

Campaigns will include lead generation, lead conversion, and client retention. Set to launch in December, 2020.**

Data Migration/CRM Transfers


Planning to switch your CRM, or have already made the switch, but it hasn’t gone to plan!

Unfortunately CRM transitions are never as straight forward as they should be. Often offices are ill-equipped, lacking the technical skills or the resources required to ensure a smooth transition. Resulting in hidden costs, and delays due to poor support from CRM providers.

With unparrelled and extensive experience across a variety of the top CRM’s, WeCall can take the stress off your hands and work with your providers to ensure an efficient and carefree transition.


Optimise your prospecting and secure your success with WeCall’s digital marketing agency; WeMail. Specialising in digital real estate marketing we will enhance your online presence to drive lead generation.  Outsource email automation, data merging,…

Optimise your prospecting and secure your success with WeCall’s digital marketing agency; WeMail. Specialising in digital real estate marketing we will enhance your online presence to drive lead generation. Outsource email automation, data merging, SEO, SEM, social media and more to industry professionals and free up your time to focus on meeting with clients.

Let us manage your email communications to ensure that next big listing isn’t the one that got away!

The WeCall Experience

WeCall Standard Campaign

Each and every calling campaign comes with the following:

  • Campaign On-boarding, to ensure your calls are set up for success;

  • Real time reporting, with your own branded private URL – that can be shared with your team;

  • Our unique Data Mapping, to ensure your investment is targeting the right clients;

  • Tailored Scripting to ensure we are saturating your marketplace with the most relevant information;

  • End of Campaign Report, see the full return on your investment.


WeCall Premium

Reduce your leakage even further and let us take care of your follow up after the calls.

  • Prepping & distribution of company branded promotion material, such as market reports

  • Customised follow up options, such as SMS and email communication post call

  • Managing calendar invitations to your clients and your personal calendar

  • SMS & email services post call

  • Multi-language support, which currently include Mandarin, Cantonese, and Italian.